Home Forums Feature Requests Multi user and database

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    I am very happy with Klok, however I’d love to see features for multi users. If I have a small team and we are all working on different parts of the same project, it would be nice to have Klok setup with our database online so that each person with their own installation of Klok on their PC can see the work progress of others, plus when an Invoice is created it will show the work from each person and add up the hours from everyone on the same project. This is something I like when using web based time/project tracking tools, and would be very nice to see in Klok one day. I tend to use klok when it is only myself that has a project, but when it is a team based project, I need to use a web based program. Thanks for Klok!


    I am working on integration with online systems just for that reason. If there is one specific one you use, be sure to add it to the discussion at viewtopic.php?f=4&t=6

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