Home Forums Feature Requests Drag n drop + Project folders expanding

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    I’d like to see the following two features if possible?

    1) Drag and drop for the Projects list: For when you want to move a project into a sub-project.

    2) When Klok starts up in the morning, all the sub-projects are hidden and I have to expand all the folders. Ideally, I’d like an ‘Expand All’ / ‘Collapse All’ button.

    Other wise a great application!


    I agree – I would like to be able to reposition projects – for example I created two projects for the same client, and realized that i wanted a master project named for that client and then wanted to drag each project under that – seemed like i couldn’t.


    Are you referring to Klok or Klokwork Team Console?

    We have been using Klok at our organization for the last few months and at least in the version we have (I think we started at 2.5.4) we are able to drag-and-drop projects around within the Klok project tree which is great.

    There is one REALLY BIG gotcha though (and that’s actually what I thought this feature request was going to be about when I saw the title). If you do not expand a project node in the tree then you cannot drop a project underneath that node. Even if the project node you are trying to drop something under currently has no children at all you still have to “expand it” in the tree before you will be able to drop something underneath it. It’s not obvious at first why Klok won’t let you drop a sub-project in there and it definitely caused a number of people frustration before we sent this little gotcha/tip out to folks in our organization.

    My hope, my feature request, is that when you are dragging a project around within the tree if you hover over a non-expanded project node (maybe immediately if it is a node that currently has no children / sub-projects because “why not” expand it) that Klok will “auto-expand” that project in the tree…allowing you to then drop the sub-project under that node without having to stop mid-move, manually expand the target parent node, and then go back and drag-and-drop.

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