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@mikejody wrote:
Thank you. By the way, I am having problems receiving notifications of postings on this forum. I receive 4 of the following messages about once every half hour. That is, every half hour I get 4 email messages notifying me of new posts here, whether there are new posts made or not. I have even unsubscribed from this thread, but I still get the same 4 notifications through email every so often. Any suggestions on how to stop those from coming? Here is the email:
Hello mikejody,
You are receiving this notification because you are watching the topic, “Cannot Open a New Project in 1.5” at “KLOK.mcgraphix.com”. This topic has received a reply since your last visit. You can use the following link to view the replies made, no more notifications will be sent until you visit the topic.
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Thanks, The Management
I made a change to the forum software to by pass the forums mail queue. I think that may be duplicating the messages. Let me know if you still get multiple messages.