Home Forums Get Help for Klok What is the Roadmap for Klok??

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  • #1286

    I’d love to keep using this lovely desktop app, and was seriously reviewing the Team Console –
    until I started looking into your (not-so) recent activity

    Here are my concerns:
    Very few recent forum posts
    You are doing nothing to clean up the spam posts
    Air/Flash is dying, if not dead. There is NO other app of the 215 desktop apps I use that runs on Air/Flash
    I can barely read the micro text of the interface on my 4K monitor (Yes, we are all aging)
    You are invisible in Google Search – I had to find you on another Blog to find your site
    I’ve not recieved an email from you to inform about updates and roadmap in YEARS.

    …Shall we look elsewhere for updated team-based/cloud based Timekeeping?

    Jul. 25th 2017: “Adobe’s Flash Player has refused to die on its own. That’s finally going to change, however, as Adobe has announced today that it will ‘end-of-life’ the plug-in by the end of 2020.”

    This is too bad, as I’ve really loved this app for many years.
    Could you at least let me/us know if you’ve any plans for:
    1) selling to another dev,
    2) pivoting to another cloud/browser based platform,
    3) or are you going to kill Klok?

    Thanks for what you did provide all these years


    I think that this app is dead or at least not maintained anymore. It’s bad because they are still receiving payments but no support. I have emailed support about activation issues but no response.

    Best find something else as I think this app will eventually cease to work.


    I have to apologise to Klok support. It took a while but I, in fact, received support from Klok. They sorted out activation for me. I guess there is still things happening in the background maybe??

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