Home Forums Get Help for Klok Klok no longer starts up (hangs and app window turns white)

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    I recently went through computer crashes due to a power problem, did a Windows repair, and now Klok 2 won’t open up. It shows that it’s initializing, but then just turns white and hangs. If I try to click it, I’m given the choice by Windows to close the app due to not responding.

    I do backup my klok database twice a day (the .klok files), so I have older version I tried to boot up Klok with, but it didn’t work. I also have backups of the actual klok.db file too, and that didn’t work either. I then tried to uninstall Adobe Air and Klok, then reinstall both, but the problem persists.

    I’m on Win 7 Pro, 64 bit.

    Here’s the detailed description of the problem:

    A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.

    Problem signature:
    Problem Event Name: AppHangB1
    Application Name: Klok2.exe
    Application Version:
    Application Timestamp: 53fe5b7b
    Hang Signature: 52ac
    Hang Type: 0
    OS Version: 6.1.7601.
    Locale ID: 1033
    Additional Hang Signature 1: 52acd64e97381433c8842f0a6aaae743
    Additional Hang Signature 2: 86db
    Additional Hang Signature 3: 86dbb7103bb983d2a59eb484bc7704eb
    Additional Hang Signature 4: 52ac
    Additional Hang Signature 5: 52acd64e97381433c8842f0a6aaae743
    Additional Hang Signature 6: 86db
    Additional Hang Signature 7: 86dbb7103bb983d2a59eb484bc7704eb

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