How to I enter an hourly rate for a project?Post category:KB ArticleTo enter an hourly rate for a project double click a project from the Tree View on the left hand side of Klok.On the summary tab, there is a box to enter the hour rate. Tags: KlokRead more articles Previous PostHow to change the Folder colors in Klok Pro Next PostDo you limit the number of Projects Klok can store? You Might Also Like What does a #3003 error indicate?January 10, 2019 When can I download the Klokwork Team Connector?January 10, 2019 I recently purchased two or more licence keys and noticed the licence keys are exactly the same. Is this correct?January 11, 2019
I recently purchased two or more licence keys and noticed the licence keys are exactly the same. Is this correct?January 11, 2019