Are there screen shots of any of the Skins available in Klok Pro?Post category:KB ArticleHere are a few of the available skins for Klok Pro including the larger font skin.Larger Font Dark ColorKlok Skin Day BlueKlok Skin Day Red Tags: KlokRead more articles Previous PostWhy does the timer start at 5 minutes? Next PostWhere is the default file location on a MAC for the config.xml file and the klok.db file? You Might Also Like Klok has been closed while off of the screen. How can I reset the window location for Klok? January 11, 2019 How do I uninstall and re-install the Team Console and Adobe AIR? January 10, 2019 How do I trouble shoot issues importing from Google Calendar? January 11, 2019
Klok has been closed while off of the screen. How can I reset the window location for Klok? January 11, 2019